Joy Inducing

The word is: Paint

I invested a lot of my High School years into art. I loved (still love) art. Yet, after four years I came to the sad conclusion that the internal creativeness that I believe is required for an artist to produce art was not present inside of me. I could imitate art but that wasn’t enough for me to consider pursuing it.

Twenty years later I discovered the key to unlocking the creativity in my heart. Repurposing.  I love to repurpose objects from the past and make them useful again for a new generation.

I’m a very practical person. I feel the most creative when my art can be used in some way. It’s why I love to bake and cook. Crochet. And especially create repurposed items to wear or for the home.

Recently I’ve been painting with my words. In the same way as the art I create with my hands, I want my words to be useful. To have purpose. I want the picture that I paint with my words to produce something in the reader. I want them to induce JOY.






joy 2

I paint with my words.



This post was written for 5 minute friday – click for link.

Defining: WRITER



The Word is: Writer

Would I introduce myself to others as a “Writer?”

I think about this a lot. I am self employed and I wear so many hats that it would be easy to throw that description in there as well. However, I would never refer to myself as a “Writer,” rather, I would say, I write for a couple blogs.

If I were creating my resume, I would feel comfortable putting the word “Writer” on there to describe myself and my abilities because it is true and I have the work to back it. Also, plenty of people consider themselves “Writers” because they’ve written novels and books and articles – it doesn’t even matter if they are published. I am fine with that, if someone considers themselves a writer – who am I to question it?

However – for myself – I would not feel comfortable calling myself a “writer” unless I got paid for it.

The first time I receive an amount of money for something I’ve written I will proudly and with great joy stand up and say: I am a Writer.

What do you think constitutes a Writer?



A to Z Challenge: Defining Writer  (pushing it – I know. 😉 )


This post was written for 5 minute friday – click for link.



The Word is: Mighty

A few moments ago before opening the (secret) word for Five Minute Fridays I was considering how I would go about cloning myself.

They’ve made movies about this, and I remember a whole bunch of stuff about sheep or goats in the news several years ago, but the fact is, some days I need another me (this seems to be a theme I return to once a month or so…link here)

This is one of those days.

Am I mighty? Eh. Sometimes on a Monday morning when I get a massive amount of stuff done, I feel mighty. But on most days, like today, when I spend the precious moments before school trying to get my kindergartner to complete her week’s worth of homework in one shot (due today), I’m not feeling the might so much.

And just to be TOTALLY random, Mighty Mouse is my favorite cartoon ever. The original ones. I think I might have even been in love with him, and I realize that’s weird.

mightymouse xo

It comes down to this. I! am not mighty. Not even a little bit, and for that – I am thankful.

If everything were peachy everyday and I had everything I needed and I didn’t have to work my butt off all the time, I’d probably think I was pretty mighty – and that right there is a slippery slope to self-sufficiency. I hope I never get there. That’s pretty scary to write, but I’ve been to that terrifying place where I was just hanging on by a thread of a string and the AlMIGHTY was there.

I saw Him when I was in desperate need.

My self-sufficiency hides Him from view.



This was written for Five Minute Fridays where you write on a specific word for only 5 minutes, click for link. 

Clothed with JOY


The Word is: Joy

The word is Joy and silly me – I got stumped. Uhhhhhh. My blog is called Clothed with Joy, so let’s write about that.

For months, nay years, certain friends regularly encouraged me to write. I didn’t take it seriously until a couple months ago when I was reading in Psalms (as I do every morning – that’s a whole ‘nother post) and I read in Psalm 30 – “You have clothed me with joy.” And that was it. I hadn’t been looking for a blog name – but there it was – right in front of me and I knew that it was meant to be the name of my blog.

And that started it all.

I found a door I hadn’t been looking for. Had I forced open that door before it was the right time, I would have been terrified (and fallen flat on my face). But with the Name came the Key – and the peace – AND the JOY!

What a blessing this blog has been in my life. What a joy to write. What an adventure to imagine where it will take me.

God is good and His timing is perfect (best even.) 🙂


This was written for Five Minute Fridays where you write on a specific word for only 5 minutes, click for link.