Turn it up!


God used music to heal us.

Every Saturday and Wednesday my articles are featured on Moms of Faithย – Mom blog, but you don’t have to be a mom to visit, no one will check you at the door for mom parts. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Over there you’ll find a different side of me than is usually present here at clothedwithJoy and it’s been a growing experience for me to push myself in this way.

This week I’ve written about music, worship and the healing that it has brought our family. Check it out at the link provided here – “Turn It Up, Mom!”

Thanks! – Rebecca


6 thoughts on “Turn it up!

  1. Dude, it was TOTALLY awesome meeting you yesterday. After you left, the other guy that was sitting there and I couldn’t get over how much joy and peace seemed to just totally flow from you despite being a single mother of FOUR children! Can I get your email address I want to send something I wrote, but I never publish anything that references other bloggers without their permission (I couldn’t find one on your site here) Btw; your daughters were SO beautiful and precious ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • And btw; I double checked the email I got Friday; and there WAS another Rebecca who told me she was going to be in Philadelphia with her children visiting museums but she wasn’t sure if she could make it…. that’s why I was confused at first as to who you were, I was like, “wait a minute, didn’t u email me and say you WERENT gonna make it?” lol ๐Ÿ˜‰


    • You know, I seriously considered just staying home and taking a nap yesterday afternoon, but once I asked my daughter if she wanted to take a drive into the city (I knew she would) I knew I had decided to come. And I’m SO glad I did. Meeting you just got MY head flowing with ideas. It was so much better than a nap. And, obviously, there are too many Rebeccas around, blame our parents for the confusion. I’ll email you so you have my address. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ya, know, I’d read a number of your posts before but It also threw me for a loop cuz I didn’t know u were a missionary (if you wrote about that I either totally missed it or forgot in the midst of everything I read) and dude, your story; well, in my humble opinion you have way more than a blog; you could totally write a memoir (But I’m guessing you already know that) if you do decide to write your memoir hit me up in a year and I’ll see if I can connect u with an agent (I’ve been meeting with various agents in connection with what I’m doing)

    P.S. like I said, I read Amy Carmichael’s biography when I was a teen and then I read one on Mother Theresa and for a long time I had a similar dream of going to India; but you actually DID it! ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Thank you. The missionary thing was mentioned maybe once. My blog is usually pretty lite and the other stuff (from the past) is heavy. I think the blog might just a step toward the heavy stuff in the future and I’m not ready to go there yet. But I will let you know, that’s awesome.


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