Vows & Vidalia Onions

Vidalias, where have you been all my life? If only I could find a man like you…

At two weeks shy of my 40th birthday I discovered Vidalia onions. I’ve been a long time onion crier and for the first time in my life I cut an onion that didn’t bring me tears.  Could there be a man out there like a Vidalia onion – one who doesn’t make me cry? (in a bad way, good tears are totally cool)

Would he need to have been born and bred (possibly conceived) in Georgia?

Would any Southern gentleman do?

If I ever do find my very own Vidalia onion of a man, I have one addition to the traditional vows that I would like him to add.

Groom: “Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore… 

…and take out the trash whenever the need may be

trash 1

This should never happen.

















I do.”


I’ve enjoyed spending the month of April writing through the alphabet with the A to Z Challenge. I’ve been waiting for “V.”

6 thoughts on “Vows & Vidalia Onions

  1. Ha! I’m from that area of the state. When you go to Vidalia during the onion harvest season, there are onions along the side of the road from where they fell off the trucks. It’s a fun town.
    As much as I would love to claim all Southern men are like Vidalia onions, I cannot do so.


    • I have this strange desire to visit Georgia. Maybe because I’m a Walking Dead fan, but I think it is more than that. One day, when I make enough $$ to do all the traveling I desire, I’ll make it there and not just as a pass through on the way to FL. And maybe I’ll find one of those (good) Vidalia men – maybe not. 🙂


  2. I really enjoy the creativity and metaphor expressed in your post today. My eyes water profusely from regular onions so I’m with you on that. I love vidalia onions and men who don’t make me cry!


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