The Art of Chai – By an Expert (Not Me)

After my previous post I was made aware that of some of my beloved readers would enjoy a lesson on making Chai (tea). And then, what do you know, a dear friend of mine who lives overseas, and is also the writer behind the Blog, A Living Flame, has recently written a perfect Indian Chai recipe. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you will continue to visit her Blog on a regular basis. It is so worth it. In the coming days I will also post an American version of how to make Chai tea at home. But until then, I present the authentic Indian version. (And just to be perfectly clear – the following post was not written by me but is being used with permission. Please find the URL for the original post at the very bottom.) Enjoy!

The truth: some days I don’t feel like doing anything.

The other truth: some days I don’t do anything. 

Today is one of those days and you would not want to hear my thoughts on life. (because we all have those days when it is better not to post:) What I would rather do is sit and read and have chai. If you are having one of those days you can do it too. Here is the chai recipe to make the option complete!

Indian chai- you either hate or love it. I have met both types of people. Wait, I am both types! When I first visited India I can remember thinking it was quite odd. Now I may be addicted to it (yet, I will not be mastered by anything…so I quote)

To make a cup of chai you need a med. size pot on a medium hot burner.

2c. whole millk (sorry Americans, your milk is just not the same as India’s)

2t. loose black tea leaves

2t. sugar

1 green cardamon, a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg. (all are optional)

Heat the milk and add the other ingredients. Watch and wait for the milk to boil. (If you walk away to do anything it may WILL boil over!) On electric stoves milk boils up very fast and often overflows. As the milk starts to boil, remove the pot from the stove and turn the burner down.


Add all ingredients and bring to a boil

Let the tea simmer until it is the color of hot chocolate. This can take between 5-10 minutes depending on how strong your tea is and how hot your burner is.


When the tea is ready, pour through a fine strainer directly into your glass. Throw away the used tea leaves.


Strain out tea leaves.

In India, chai is ALWAYS served on a tray with biscuits. (we have a bit of British English here). Presentation is very important so if you have guests over you would use your best cups and dishes. Of course, today is one of those days I just want to enjoy this cup, so until next week when I feel like sharing my heart (and life)..enjoy some chai!


Original post may be found here:

5 thoughts on “The Art of Chai – By an Expert (Not Me)

  1. I looked up a bunch of chai recipes and ended up with everything but the kitchen sink in my chai, and not much milk, lots of tea.


  2. […] I care about you, dear readers. I do. I never want to post – just to post. When I read A Living Flame’s post this morning I realized instantly why I was not inspired – she had already written the post meant for today. Voila! Missionary. (PS – I loved this post. PPS – She also wrote the recipe for Chai in my post The Art of Chai.) […]


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